Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dean Graziosi Explains Meaning of Escrow for Real Estate Buyers

For first time homebuyers, the term escrow is often confusing. It is a whole chain of events taking place after formal signing of sales contract between you and the seller. Dean Graziosi defines escrow as a process in which something valuable is kept in the custody of a person, lawyer or agent e.g. a third party holds money or property papers. The money is used at some other time, during completion of the process. 

According to Dean Graziosi, a buyer is exposed to word escrow several times during a real estate deal. Escrow lender accounts, Earnest Money Deposits, Escrow agents etc. are just a few of the examples. Dean Graziosi is an expert realtor. He is famous among US citizens because of many reasons. He runs a successful infomercial series, the series is running for more than two decades. 

He has also written books on real estate and auto business. His books are declared bestsellers on New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Guardian and other renowned magazines and newspapers. He conducts live events. He is a motivating speaker who knows how to teach novice and aspirants in convincing ways. 

He is a successful entrepreneur and a millionaire. This rich and young gentleman supports a number of charities. 

Escrow Agent:

Escrow process starts when transaction of property starts. Word escrow agent is used to describe your title company, attorney general or any other person. This person is hired to keep your money until final formalities of closing of the property are completed. Your escrow agent will deal with all documents and money or precious commodities kept as a guarantee.

Earnest Money Deposits:

You come in to contact with Earnest Money Deposits when you decide to buy the property for the first time. At the time, you will offer the money, held as an escrow by your escrow agent. Here the process completes in following steps:

  • The escrow agent will take the money.
  • Money is kept in the trust account of the escrow agent.
  • This money is known as escrow.
  • The Escrow agent is responsible to protect the money.
  • The escrow money is given back to the buyer on successful completion of transaction of the property.
  • If the transaction of the property is failed due to any reason, the money will be distributed and dispersed in different ways.

Lender Escrow Accounts:

The term escrow is also used when your lender sets up different accounts. With the help of these accounts, your lender will pay insurance and taxes of your property at the time when they become due. Typically, your insurance and tax bills are directly sent to your lender. 

Both, taxes and insurance bills are paid annually. But, most of the lenders require you, the owner; to pay 1/12th amount each month. You will have to pay this money (escrow) by depositing in the accounts set up by your lender. While signing deal on the lending documents, your lender will include clause on PITI. It stands for Principle, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance.

What Does RESPA Suggests for Escrow:

  • RESPA stands for Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act.
  • It has set special laws for lenders. All lenders must have to follow escrow laws set up by RESPA.
  • According to RESPA, buyer does not need to maintain escrow account with lender.
  • RESPA laws regulate maximum amount of money required by lender (to be paid by the buyer every month in escrow).

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