confusion last week.
Three weeks ago I promised you
something very special was coming and
then I messed it all up.
See, I sent out two different emails (that
each had different links to different
videos) and while my intention was
good, I really didn't think it through all
the way.
So, today I posted an explanation video
blog - and I share some tips on what to
do today, tomorrow and thru this
Click Here to Watch - "How Successful People Think"

This is a longer than normal blog video, I
hope it makes up for last week.
By the way, my Gain the EDGE event is
Saturday and Sunday, so I'll have some
great new things to share with you
If you are coming, I'll see you in a few
days. If you can't attend, you still have
time to participate in the EDGE through
our live feed. Details are in this week's
blog video as well.
Have a great week!
Dean Graziosi
Real Estate Expert