Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why You Should Invest In Real Estate

The real estate business is considered nowadays a serious option for people wanting to make huge amounts of money and have a continuous steady income. Although there is a general fear for making risks due to financial recession and other barriers hindering your chance for success, if you play your cards right you will be successful in the long run.

Here are some reasons on why you should invest in real estate in 2013.

High property demand. According to U.S Census Bureau house and property sales have risen up to 20% in 2012 especially in Western and Northeast regions where the prices are relatively lower. The good news is that house building, fall of inventory, affordability and construction activity are expected to be more positive in 2013.

In rates and other bank resources, the rates are below 4% especially for the first half of 2013. Although there is a chance of increase in late 2013, the rates will still be attractive for both refinancers and homebuyers.

High Amount of foreclosures. The high amount of foreclosures may sound negative but it also considered an advantage: If you buy foreclosed properties you don’t have to worry about mortgage payment.
Good Return of income. If you look for properties that will grow in value, the property equity will increase and thus you will get a return of your investment when  you sell the property

People’s preference for buying houses is bigger than hiring apartments. Most people look for a temporary apartment first and then proceed to buy a house-the opposite is highly unlikely unless there are financial issues in the process.

Cash flow investments have a higher return than other assets. For the last 5 years, the Dow Jones industrial average amount was down 15% while rents have increased over 8% (same period).

If you don’t rush and study all the key concepts needed for success, you can generate passive income in the long run. Portfolio management isn’t time consuming at all as it takes only a few hours on a monthly basis. And if you collaborate with the right experts to help you, there is a very high chance for success.

Taxes and interests are low. Even though there is fear in the atmosphere due to global recession, taxes and interests regarding real estate are lower comparing to other assets and this can be very beneficial for all parties involved.

Comparing to other methods of gaining income as I said in the first tip, it is easier to gain income through property investment.  If you do a research and are surrounded by reliable and successful people your door for success is wide open. We recommend you consult property investment gurus like Dean Graziosi and see if they can help you.

Many successful people like the famous Dean Graziosi managed to make millions with one thing in common: They are fully or partially involved with real estate investments. If you are tired of trying other methods like only investing in the stock market you should try investing in real estate.

Check out Dean Graziosi’s  e-Books >>>