Friday, June 28, 2013

Do as I Say, Not as I Do?

If you are a parent or have ever tried to 
get someone to follow your advice you 

know that simply doesn't work.

We MUST lead by example.

How do we do this???

Well after many consecutive days of 

travel I got to spend every second of this

weekend with my children playing catch 


And something hit me like a ton of bricks

while as I was trying that simple little life

lessons with them.

It was so powerful that I immediately had

to shoot a video for you and share it.

Go watch this weeks Weekly Wisdom 
right now
 and see the simple yet 
powerful lesson I know you will love.

Have a great week,

Dean Graziosi
Real Estate Expert
Call my success academy any time at

877-219-1473 ext. 319