Friday, June 28, 2013

perfecting your legacy

Have you ever looked at your kids or 
other family members and suddenly been

overcome with emotion?

It happened to me with my kids last 

Saturday. I thought..."They are my 

legacy, so what do I want them to know

the most?"

That's a big, heavy question right?

I started making a "to-do list" (right there

on the spot) of things I need to teach 


But then...I had a revelation.

If I really want to impact my kids' lives, 

there is only one thing I have to do. It's

the one thing we all must do to impact 

those around us.

Can you guess what it is?

If you think you know, watch my weekly

wisdom video right now and tell me if 

you guessed correctly - AND tell me 

what you think about the example I 


Click Here or On The Image Below To
See It Now...

I want to live my life so at the end I look

back and say I made a difference. I 

changed the world and left a legacy that 

makes the planet and people's lives 


You want that too...RIGHT!?!

So, watch the video, see if you agree 

with what I discovered and if so, use it 

yourself this week.

Remember every day we can be 

perfecting our legacy, even when things 

don't go the way we plan.

There have been some amazing 

comments posted so far...I look forward 

to reading your thoughts too!

Have a great Wednesday!

Dean Graziosi
Real Estate Expert