Wednesday, August 14, 2013

There is a NEW Weekly Wisdom video
up, and man is it a doozy!

You'll get to see some candid footage a
guy captured of me, barreling down a
makeshift zip line forty feet over a
desert lake.

Yeah, it was terrifying!

But there is a great message here and I
learned something that I think is really
going to resonate with you this week!

Also, I'm looking for my next random
person to partner with on a deal. You
find the deal, I supply the money.

There's a chance for you to give me
your feedback on how I should shape
the EDGE event next year as well as
short list of housekeeping things I have
to share with you.

Pay close attention because I snuck
some pretty cool little nuggets in there
for you too.

So go watch this weekly wisdom video
to hear some new powerful, life
changing stuff.

And don't forget to comment below the
video and share this on you social

Have a great week,

Dean Graziosi
Real Estate Expert
Call my success academy any time at
877-219-1473 ext. 319

PS More new changes on the DG
website too. I hope you like them all.
Let me know.