Who will pay the price of marketing? This question
often hunts marketing campaigns.
When a seller is planning to sale the property, the first thing is to take the
word out to the public. We cannot expect calls from buyers unless they know.
Putting your property for sale and not doing its marketing is just like leaving
your money idle in the bank account thinking that someday it will become
doubled, that day never comes.
According to Dean Graziosi, if you want to sell your
property with profit, you must take the word out to as many buyers as you can. Hence,
there is no second opinion in importance of marketing and its positive effects on
the sale of the property. Dean Graziosi provides answer to the basic question
of pricing. According to him, majority of sellers are confused on this factor.
They fear that they will have to pay all of the marketing costs including
listings and online advertisements as an upfront.
Dean suggests such sellers to decide about
everything in advance. According to him, seller and his /her agent should
mutually decide such issues. Once they agree upon a clause, they must include
it in the agreement so that it turns in to rule of the deal.
Dean Graziosi is an expert
realtor. He belonged to a poor broken family. He
has worked hard since his early childhood. Due to unfavorable financial
circumstances, Dean had to leave his education incomplete. He started his
career as an entrepreneur from the age of 16. His first business was that of
auto parts.
Amid auto parts business, Dean signed his first real
estate deal. He was 18 years old at the time when he renovated and sold that
run-down apartment building. Time passed by, and he achieved greater heights of
success in the field of real estate. Dean believes that modern technology has
not just enhanced ways of communications; it has also evolved work and style of
carrying duties.
According to him, modern technology has made it
easier to market your property and perform other tasks.
According to Dean Graziosi, the money matters are
usually resolved at the time of making
agreement between the seller and the agent. The
agreement signed between seller and the agent is also known as listing
agreement. Listing agreement contains all of the settlings between seller and
his agent. However, the decision of paying the price is based on the mutual
consent of both the parties.
Will Pay the Price of Marketing:
In most of the cases, agent pays price of the marketing
campaign. At the time when agreement is signed,
agent calculates all of costs associated with marketing. Agent will break the
marketing campaign and seller will pay the price at the time of escrow.
Usually, commission of the agent includes costs of marketing.
Does the Seller do?
Seller usually pays for preparing the property for
marketing. It includes staging, painting, any repairs and maintenance costs.
if the Property is a Luxury Property?
Luxury properties take extra time to sell. Hence,
for most of the agents it is hard to invest their own funds in the property. Dean
suggests that if you are promoting a luxury property; discuss the clause of
marketing of the property with your client. Usually, sellers of a luxury
property agree to pay an upfront payment for marketing
of the property. It is not necessary that the seller
must pay all of the money as upfront, in fact he will never pay all at the
This upfront will reduce some burden off the
shoulders of agent. Moreover, the seller will get a high-class marketing
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