Hi there! I hope you had a great
You may remember that in last week's
blog, I promised to spend the rest of July
sharing some HOT training tips on
finding real estate deals.
The first of those tips is up and ready
for you right now. Just head on over
to the DG website and watch the new
Weekly Wisdom blog.
My top student Matt Larson is going to
spill the beans on how he finds great
deals on Craigslist with a sneaky little
This is so easy, you'll be trying it
yourself right after you watch... (I know
you will!)
Click Here To Watch Now...

You'll also hear some exciting updates on
what we plan to do for the tornado
victims in Oklahoma, (and if you know
anyone affected, let us know because we
may help them directly).
Have a great week,
Dean Graziosi
Real Estate Expert
Call my success academy any time at
877-219-1473 ext. 319
You may remember that in last week's
blog, I promised to spend the rest of July
sharing some HOT training tips on
finding real estate deals.
The first of those tips is up and ready
for you right now. Just head on over
to the DG website and watch the new
Weekly Wisdom blog.
My top student Matt Larson is going to
spill the beans on how he finds great
deals on Craigslist with a sneaky little
This is so easy, you'll be trying it
yourself right after you watch... (I know
you will!)
Click Here To Watch Now...

You'll also hear some exciting updates on
what we plan to do for the tornado
victims in Oklahoma, (and if you know
anyone affected, let us know because we
may help them directly).
Have a great week,
Dean Graziosi
Real Estate Expert
Call my success academy any time at
877-219-1473 ext. 319